segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2009

Comunidade Música Gospel - Rock Internacional - Vol 1

P.O.D. - When Angels and Serpents Dance
12 Stones - The Way I Feel
Sanctus Real - The Face Of Love
Skillet - Best Kept Secret
Red - Breathe Into Me
Audio Adrenaline - We're A Band
Third Day - Offering
Jars Of Clay - Disappear
Michael W. Smith - All In The Serve
Delirious - Solid Rock
Desperation Band - Ready Now
Underoath - Reinventing Your Exit
Kutless - Strong Tower
Thousand Foot Krutch - Rawkfist
Demon Hunter - Not Ready To Die
Leeland - Sound of Melodies
Disciple - Love Hate
Hillsong United - Take it All
Masquerade - Across the Sky
Lifehouse- Hanging By a Moment

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